Monday, December 3, 2012

Capstone Project - Technology Integration in the Classroom

Integrating technology in the classroom can be a scary task, considering the fact that school has been done the same way since the beginning of public school systems. Integrating technology can be the key to changing your classroom into a more modern and effective way of learning.

The amount of schools and individual educators implementing the 21st century learning initiative has definitely risen in recent years. The high school I attended, Winterboro High School, focused on 21st century skills such as collaboration, communication, technological skills, and critical thinking skills. We learned in a very hands-on way.

Winterboro High School has a 1:1 student to computer ratio. In the classroom, we would use the computers to do our work. Most of our work was done on the computers to further enhance our technological skills as well as creativity. We used Moodle in every class, and overall I think Winterboro will always succeed while focusing on the 21st century skills that are necessary in today’s society.

By integrating technology into certain classrooms, you can see how the technology is going to be used.
Take a look at this classroom...
 photo credit: Cameron Bennett via photopin cc
This classroom looks pretty boring. The teacher appears to be lecturing away while writing on a chalkboard. This classroom is lackluster. It is boring and it doesn't seem like a place I would be comfortable learning in.
Now, take a look at this classroom...

Photo Credit - The Daily Home
This classroom is extremely appealing. The students are obviously collaborating and the teacher is instructing in a more comfortable personal level. Each student has a computer, and two students are even using iPads. Some of the students have Macbook computers. This classroom is a 21st century classroom. This classroom is also one of my high school's learning suites. (We call them learning suites at Winterboro High School.) The grey wall will actually open up, so you can have classes that are combined. I was actually a student in this class. It was my junior year and I was in chemistry. The point is, no one wants to be in a musty old school classroom anymore. We want a fresh new look. 

Educators can use many different forms of technology in the classroom including desktop/laptop computers, iPads/tablets, and many other different forms of technological hardware to enhance learning. This article, written by William McCoy of Demand Media, says that technology would be beneficial in the classroom because there are not only educational games, but it can promote globalization, research, web seminars, and distance education.

The easiest way to integrate technology into the classroom is to create more hybrid classes. This could be the test. Jacksonville State University could fund at least ten iPads per hybrid class as well as laptop computers. By doing this, you are not only testing out technology in the classroom but testing to see if it is an effective way to learn. Students could share the technology, which will increase collaborative and oral/written communication skills. By integrating technology, you can know if it will truly work at Jacksonville State University.
To see a more fun, 21st Century model of the information above, please click here!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why College? - Revised

Until I reached the seventh grade, I didn't know what college was. I just knew that if you wanted to be a teacher or a doctor you went to college to become one. I didn't know of credit hours, fraternities, meal plans, or any other things associated with college. I found that if I wanted to be successful, college was a necessity. If I was to become a band director, college would be a necessity.

Neither of my parents attended college. They both graduated from high school, but never took the next step in furthering their education. I am surprisingly happy that neither of them attended college. I would not be here if they had. College is going to be a chance for me to do something that neither of my parents were able to do. I will have a degree from a university. This is very exciting to me. So many doors are going to be opened for me and it is up to me to go through them. I am reminded every time I go to class of how blessed I am.

When I reached the ninth grade, I began thinking about if I wanted to attend college or not. I thought about joining the military, but quickly changed my mind. I finally realized that I wanted to attend college. My first choice of a college was The University of Alabama. Nothing seemed better than to be able to call The University of Alabama my college. I am very happy I decided to not attend The University of Alabama. The tuition, etc. was too expensive. I knew I could receive the same education from Jacksonville State University for much less money, so I chose JSU.

photo credit: j.o.h.n. walker via photopin cc 

My parents never really gave me an option to attend college. They would always say, "Whether you like or not, you are going to college." or, "It doesn't matter how expensive college is, you are going." I didn't really like being pushed about it, but I am glad my parents pushed me in school. I would not have been given the opportunity to march with the Marching Southerners, join a fraternity, or even know of Flex Dollars.

I was very active in both the marching band and symphonic band at my high school. I participated in many honor bands, clinics, and classes. Music was my favorite thing in the world. I knew that college would be a place where my musical interests could flourish. There are numerous activities involving music in the world of post-secondary education. Now, I am a member of The Marching Southerners and it is incredible.

Other than musical ensembles, I was involved in many clubs and organizations in high school. I was a member of the National Senior Beta Club, Government Club/Student Government Association, Morning Announcer Staff, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and many others. I liked keeping myself busy. There are so many more clubs and organizations in college than there are in high school. For example, my high school didn't have an Earth Club. I would have loved to be a part of Earth Club because I am all about going green, saving the environment and recycling. I can now join the Earth Club at Jacksonville State University. This is another reason why I chose to attend college. I want to be involved with every organization that I can possibly be a part of.

I decided to attend Jacksonville State University for many reasons including proximity to home, cost, music program, and accredidation. I am definitely happy I chose Jacksonville State University as my college. I am now studying to become a band director. I am able to do this because I chose to take the next step in furthering my education.


Without college, I don't believe success would be as easily obtained. I think it would be much more difficult to find an enjoyable job with a high-paying salary and great benefits without a college degree. Not attending college should be a last resort in today's society. Education is one of the most important things we have. We are blessed to be able to even attend school.

College has already been a great experience for me. I am a member of the best college marching band in the nation. I have made some awesome friends that share similar interests with me. I am making connections with people I never thought I would even talk to. I have been introduced to a new society and I love it. Life could not be better.

Now that I have finished my first semester of college, I am thankful for the opportunities I have been presented while being here at Jacksonville State University. I am in the most amazing musical ensembles I have ever been in. I have some of the best friends I have ever had in my life. I have become an all-around better person. I am still having having the time of my life. Though I may not get enough sleep always, but I always keep a smile on my face because I love college. JSU has already been what I expected and so much more.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is College Enough? - Revised

Everyone in my family has always pushed me to attend college. I did well in high school so I could go to a university without having to pay as much out of pocket. I was blessed by receiving scholarships that cover my education for the next four years. Is paying all this money worth the degree? With so many people attending college and obtaining the same degree I am, will it be possible to get a job in the field I want to? In fact, according to Students Review: Unemployment By Major Chart, the unemployment rate for people with degrees in music education is down 2.5% which is a much different story than years past. Many of the questions cannot be answered until I receive my degree and look for a job.

photo credit: Illinois Springfield via photopin cc

With more people attending college today than ever in history, the job market is becoming much more competitive. At one time, college degrees almost guaranteed employment. This is definitely not the case today. A degree will not necessarily make you competitive in the job market. As Jack Vincent writes in his blog, "Why Your College Degree is Not Enough," "Regardless of your major or the type of position that you are seeking today’s candidates must have more to offer than just academic achievement."
Experience trumps a degree. This needs to be understood in today's society. I have known people to receive a banking job without any sort of degree over someone with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. The person without the degree had experience in bookkeeping and had been a treasurer for many years. This person was hired because of their experience in the field of banking. A degree won't always guarantee you a job.
I degree will not always guarantee you a job, but it sure doesn't help. Statistics do show that people with a college education tend to have better opportunities than those who do not. I am willing to take the risk and get a degree. 

With everyone attending college, nothing really sets you apart from the rest of the people with a degree other than experience. For example, if I had a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education and had taught music for several years and another person had a Master's Degree but had never taught before, I would probably be hired before the person with less work experience. Though they had a Master's Degree, I had experience. Different employers focus on different attributes of potential employees, but most focus on work experience. CNN said this best in their article, "When a Degree isn't Enough to Get a Job." "Ask employers what they want from graduates and the answers are equally diverse. Depending on the job, you might need a degree and an internship, a degree and work experience, or the right connections to even land an interview."

There are many different uses so a degree, so those who say a college degree has been rendered useless in today's work force are wrong. In order for you to work in any field of healthcare, which is one of the most highly employed fields of work, you need a degree. Every doctor anyone has ever visited has been licensed and equally have a certificate verifying that they attended Medical School and passed through. I don't know about you, but I don't want just anyone operating on me. They must have a medical degree.

The amount of jobs that require a certain degree in the US has risen in recent years. I assume that is why so many people are working so hard for a degree.

The education field is another field where a degree is required. I am one of the many students who are attending Jacksonville State University for a degree in education. I am majoring in Music Education. There is not a high need for music teachers, but I am aware of this. Teaching music is what I want to do with my life, so no matter what, I am going to eventually going to become a music teacher. Some jobs require a college degree. The only reason I really wanted to attend college is because it is required to become a teacher.

There is not a really high demand for music teachers in the US. I am going to face the consequences when I look for a job that isn't going to be there. As I posted recently in blog post response to an essay, I am doing what I am passionate about. Music is what I see myself doing for the rest of my life. Sarah Idzik was the author of the essay I replied to. She went to school for a degree that didn't have a high demand or need and she faced the consequences. 

A degree is a way for employers to tell if you are serious about new learning experiences and/or if you are serious about a job. College is a test to see if you are serious about learning. College proves that you are willing to go the extra mile when learning to do something. That is why people attend college in the first place. People go to college to learn new things.

Though it is possible to make a decent amount of money without a college degree, it is not likely in today's job market. Most jobs that require a degree offer a better salary than those that don't. In my opinion, people should be considering a degree in Information Technology or Computer Science since the world is now so digital. There is also a high demand for those jobs since there are so many different forms of technology. An article entitled, The Top 10 IT Skills for 2013, from IT Career Finder, there will be a need for people with degrees in computer programming, IT Security, and Networking now and in the future.

If more people considered whether they were meant to go to college, the world would be a much happier place. People could simply go to a trade school or technical school and be much happier than they would be going to college and being in debt for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes I wonder if college is the same in every country. I wonder if every country considers college to be a necessity today.

According to an infographic, College in America, the amount of unemployed college graduates doubled from 2008 to 2009. I find this alarming because these same people who were unemployed then could still be unemployed when I go out into the work force to get a job. Is obtaining a degree really worth the sorrow you are going to face trying to find a nonexistent job?

I believe that college can improve your leadership and communication skills if you stay involved. There have been records of the "quiet kid" in school becoming the president of the Student Government Association. Employers are going to want to hire these leaders and these good leadership and communication skills. However, there is a debate on whether college can teach leadership. This article titled "The Bad Habits You Learn in School" states this. I disagree with this because school has already polished my leadership and communication skills.

So, is college enough? Will a college degree alone ever be enough to live a long, happy, prosperous life? This is debated now and will be debated forever. I personally believe that a college is degree will be what you make of it. It could be your ticket to the best job you have ever had, or it could lead to trials and suffering. You have the make the best of everything and anything.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Unprepared - From Elite College to Job Market (Response)

While reading Unprepared by Sarah Idzik, I felt a connection with her. In high school, I was always the overachiever. I always did extremely well compared to the average student. I was the Valedictorian of my high school graduating class.  I was involved in numerous extra-curricular activities. I was loved by all the faculty and staff. I had excellent grades and excellent test scores. Now that I am in college, I actually have to study. It is a completely different world at college because I don’t have my parents in my ear constantly reminding me of deadlines and other things. I am an independent adult. College separates those who are intellectual from those who are not. I knew I was ready to dive into the college as soon as I graduated. In my blog post entitled, “Why College?" I go more in depth with this saying that I chose college to become a teacher and to become more intelligent.
photo credit: lux venit via photopin cc

I faced the same dilemma the author faced when I was choosing a college to attend for my Bachelor’s Degree. She chose to take the leap at the University of Chicago. I chose to play it safe and attend school just fifty miles away from home. Jacksonville State University is only fifty miles away from my home. I was originally going to attend the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, but I quickly changed my mind when I found out that I had better scholarship opportunities and I could be much closer to my family  at Jacksonville State University.  

Unlike the author, I feel that my high school did an excellent job of preparing me for post-secondary education. Though I went to a small town high school in the middle of nowhere, our curriculum was rigorous. I just performed better than the average student. I have yet to have a moment where I don’t know what one of my fellow students is talking about. The author used an example in her book where she was embarrassed that she didn’t know what NATO was. I do not want to appear as though I don’t know what the other students already know.

The author of this essay, Sarah Idzik, obtained a degree in Clerical Administration. The demand for jobs in this field are scarce and the unemployment rate for people with these degrees is higher than average. I will probably be facing the same dilemma she faced. I am obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Music. There are not many career opportunities, excluding music education, which I can use my degree in music in. I chose to study for music to be my career because it is what I love to do. I know that I can be successful at anything in the music field because I have been immersed in music since a very early age. The author chose what she was good at, but faced the consequences of there not being a high demand for her career choice.

Upon sending her resume and applications to countless employers about jobs, the author finally obtained a job. It was a job that she didn’t really care for considering she did so much more in her days in college. It was a nine-to-five job printing travel documents for rich people. It was lackluster and she was extremely bored with her job. She felt like she could definitely do more. She gained 15 pounds in 6 months. I hope I never face the hardships that many of the authors in this book had to face. I don’t know if I could deal with it. Like I said in my blog post, “Is College Enough?,” I don’t know if college alone can get you your dream job and leave you happy and eager to go to work every day.
photo credit: waferbaby via photopin cc 

The author wrote that many of her coworkers felt the same way she did and they all lived paycheck to paycheck trying to earn a decent living. This is a scary thought considering she was lucky enough to have a job. Though she hated it, it was still a job. Those are hard to come by these days.

The author has much bigger plans for herself. She wants to leave Chicago and start over. Sometimes that is what people have to do. If I was unhappy with my degree and the lack of career opportunities in my field of expertise, I would probably go back to school for a degree in something that is much more in demand.

The author went from being happy in college to being unhappy as a result of what she chose to study at college. This makes me question why I am truly at college in the first place.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Is College Enough?

Everyone in my family has always pushed me to attend college. I did well in high school so I could go to a university without having to pay as much out of pocket. I was blessed by receiving scholarships that cover my education for the next four years. Is paying all this money worth the degree? With so many people attending college and obtaining the same degree I am, will it be possible to get a job in the field I want to? In fact, according to Students Review: Unemployment By Major Chart, the unemployment rate for people with degrees in music education is down 2.5% which is a much different story than years past. Many of the questions cannot be answered until I receive my degree and look for a job.

photo credit: Illinois Springfield via photopin cc

With more people attending college today than ever in history, the job market is becoming much more competitive. At one time, college degrees almost guaranteed employment. This is definitely not the case today. A degree will not necessarily make you competitive in the job market. As Jack Vincent writes in his blog, "Why Your College Degree is Not Enough," "Regardless of your major or the type of position that you are seeking today’s candidates must have more to offer than just academic achievement." 
Experience trumps a degree. This needs to be understood in today's society. I have known people to receive a banking job without any sort of degree over someone with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. The person without the degree had experience in bookkeeping and had been a treasurer for many years. This person was hired because of their experience in the field of banking. A degree won't always guarantee you a job. 

With everyone attending college, nothing really sets you apart from the rest of the people with a degree other than experience. For example, if I had a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education and had taught music for several years and another person had a Master's Degree but had never taught before, I would probably be hired before the person with less work experience. Though they had a Master's Degree, I had experience. Different employers focus on different attributes of potential employees, but most focus on work experience. CNN said this best in their article, "When a Degree isn't Enough to Get a Job." "Ask employers what they want from graduates and the answers are equally diverse. Depending on the job, you might need a degree and an internship, a degree and work experience, or the right connections to even land an interview."

There are many different uses so a degree, so those who say a college degree has been rendered useless in today's work force are wrong. In order for you to work in any field of healthcare, which is one of the most highly employed fields of work, you need a degree. Every doctor anyone has ever visited has been licensed and equally have a certificate verifying that they attended Medical School and passed through. I don't know about you, but I don't want just anyone operating on me. They must have a medical degree.

The education field is another field where a degree is required. I am one of the many students who are attending Jacksonville State University for a degree in education. I am majoring in Music Education. There is not a high need for music teachers, but I am aware of this. Teaching music is what I want to do with my life, so no matter what, I am going to eventually going to become a music teacher. Some jobs require a college degree. The only reason I really wanted to attend college is because it is required to become a teacher.

A degree is a way for employers to tell if you are serious about new learning experiences and/or if you are serious about a job. College is a test to see if you are serious about learning. College proves that you are willing to go the extra mile when learning to do something. That is why people attend college in the first place. People go to college to learn new things.

Though it is possible to make a decent amount of money without a college degree, it is not likely in today's job market. Most jobs that require a degree offer a better salary than those that don't. In my opinion, people should be considering a degree in Information Technology or Computer Science since the world is now so digital. There is also a high demand for those jobs since there are so many different forms of technology. An article entitled, The Top 10 IT Skills for 2013, from IT Career Finder, there will be a need for people with degrees in computer programming, IT Security, and Networking now and in the future.

If more people considered whether they were meant to go to college, the world would be a much happier place. People could simply go to a trade school or technical school and be much happier than they would be going to college and being in debt for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes I wonder if college is the same in every country. I wonder if every country considers college to be a necessity today.

According to an infographic, College in America, the amount of unemployed college graduates doubled from 2008 to 2009. I find this alarming because these same people who were unemployed then could still be unemployed when I go out into the work force to get a job. Is obtaining a degree really worth the sorrow you are going to face trying to find a nonexistent job?

I believe that college can improve your leadership and communication skills if you stay involved. There have been records of the "quiet kid" in school becoming the president of the Student Government Association. Employers are going to want to hire these leaders and these good leadership and communication skills. However, there is a debate on whether college can teach leadership. This article titled "The Bad Habits You Learn in School" states this. I disagree with this because school has already polished my leadership and communication skills.

So, is college enough? Will a college degree alone ever be enough to live a long, happy, prosperous life? This is debated now and will be debated forever. I personally believe that a college is degree will be what you make of it. It could be your ticket to the best job you have ever had, or it could lead to trials and suffering. You have the make the best of everything and anything.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

What is College (good) for?

Is college a waste of time? Can I make a good living without a college degree? Is paying all of this money for college going to be worth it in the end? Is getting a degree the best thing for me? Why should I go to college?

These are all questions I asked myself before I made the decision to attend a college or university. These questions are easy to ask, but so much more difficult to answer. With different people telling you different things, you cannot help but feel confused. Most people encouraged me to attend college, but there were always a fair few who told me to just attend a trade school and get better pay.
Photo Credit - Photo Pin
 After thinking of the answers to all the questions I had been having about college I slowly began to reason with myself. When I attended to high school, I saw teachers. Teachers have degrees. In order to be a teacher you must have an education degree. College is obviously not a waste of time. College is a necessity if you want to become a teacher, and I want to become a teacher.

Can anyone make a good living without a college degree? According to an article written by in the Los Angeles Times, college graduates earn 84% more than those without a college degree. This study was conducted by Georgetown's Center on Education. I trust this study to be legit and I even conducted on research on whether or not college graduates make more money than those without a degree. The results of my search were astounding. I was always told that someone who worked in a trade (welding, electrical work, mechanics, etc.) made amazing money, and you didn't even have to go to a real college or university to do these things. College is definitely good for having a better career for yourself.

It surprises me that more people don't want to attend college. Yes, college is expensive. It always will be. Many people say they cannot afford college for one reason or another. Student loans were created for a reason. I think that people should be most focused on their education. In my opinion, an education is the most important thing a person can possess.

Is paying all that money for college worth it? This 2011 article from the New Yorker says that college is a way to separate those who are intellectual from those who are not. I agree, but I also believe that if someone wants a degree they are going to do their best to earn that degree.

I believe that college is a necessary tool in the building of both a person's character and attitude. In college people are exposed to many different cultures and beliefs that they have never seen or experienced before. You are immersed in a new world full of endless opportunity the day you are dropped off at college. College allows you to become a part of something much greater than high school clubs and organizations. People can become a part of a brotherhood that is a fraternity. Greek life at a college or university can definitely help you to be a more successful person. If you do not attend college, I feel that you miss out on many great opportunities. I am just a freshman and college has already been one of the greatest experiences of my life.
Many people that don't believe that college is important argue that certain degrees are useless. I do not believe that a college or university would have a degree program for a career that has 0% employment. Some degrees have higher employment than others, but that is just life. I completely agree with this article from The Daily Beast that encourages people to get a degree in whatever they want to. If someone wants a degree in 17th Century Literature they should be able to obtain one. Though positions in this field may not be abundant, there are always possibilities with every degree.

I am attending Jacksonville State University to receive my degree in music with a concentration in music education. I want to teach music to people. It is what I love to do. There is not a high demand for music teachers, but it is what I enjoy doing so I am going to stick with it.

More and more jobs are requiring degrees. Like this article from the Teachers College Record says, an education is a process. If you are not willing to take the next step and work a little

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why college?

Until I reached the seventh grade, I didn't know what college was. I just knew that if you wanted to be a teacher or a doctor you went to college to become one. I didn't know of credit hours, fraternities, meal plans, or any other things associated with college. I found that if I wanted to be successful, college was a necessity. If I was to become a band director, college would be a necessity.

Neither of my parents attended college. They both graduated from high school, but never took the next step in furthering their education. I am surprisingly happy that neither of them attended college. I would not be here if they had. College is going to be a chance for me to do something that neither of my parents were able to do. I will have a degree from a university. This is very exciting to me. So many doors are going to be opened for me and it is up to me to go through them. I am reminded every time I go to class of how blessed I am.

When I reached the ninth grade, I began thinking about if I wanted to attend college or not. I thought about joining the military, but quickly changed my mind. I finally realized that I wanted to attend college. My first choice of a college was The University of Alabama. Nothing seemed better than to be able to call The University of Alabama my college. I am very happy I decided to not attend The University of Alabama. The tuition, etc. was too expensive. I knew I could receive the same education from Jacksonville State University for much less money, so I chose JSU.

My parents never really gave me an option to attend college. They would always say, "Whether you like or not, you are going to college." or, "It doesn't matter how expensive college is, you are going." I didn't really like being pushed about it, but I am glad my parents pushed me in school. I would not have been given the opportunity to march with the Marching Southerners, join a fraternity, or even know of Flex Dollars.

I was very active in both the marching band and symphonic band at my high school. I participated in many honor bands, clinics, and classes. Music was my favorite thing in the world. I knew that college would be a place where my musical interests could flourish. There are numerous activities involving music in the world of post-secondary education. Now, I am a member of The Marching Southerners and it is incredible.

Other than musical ensembles, I was involved in many clubs and organizations in high school. I was a member of the National Senior Beta Club, Government Club/Student Government Association, Morning Announcer Staff, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and many others. I liked keeping myself busy. There are so many more clubs and organizations in college than there are in high school. For example, my high school didn't have an Earth Club. I would have loved to be a part of Earth Club because I am all about going green, saving the environment and recycling. I can now join the Earth Club at Jacksonville State University. This is another reason why I chose to attend college. I want to be involved with every organization that I can possibly be a part of. 

I decided to attend Jacksonville State University for many reasons including proximity to home, cost, music program, and accredidation. I am definitely happy I chose Jacksonville State University as my college. I am now studying to become a band director. I am able to do this because I chose to take the next step in furthering my education.

Without college, I don't believe success would be as easily obtained. I think it would be much more difficult to find an enjoyable job with a high-paying salary and great benefits without a college degree. Not attending college should be a last resort in today's society. Education is one of the most important things we have. We are blessed to be able to even attend school.

College has already been a great experience for me. I am a member of the best college marching band in the nation. I have made some awesome friends that share similar interests with me. I am making connections with people I never thought I would even talk to. I have been introduced to a new society and I love it. Life could not be better.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hey, everyone! My name is Daren Lee Turner. I am currently a student at Jacksonville State University. I plan to major in Instrumental Music Education. I graduated from Winterboro High School in Alpine, Alabama. I am a Christian and a member of Sycamore Baptist Church. I am a member of the Marching Southerners. I play the trumpet as well as the piano. My favorite things are music, family, friends, Disney movies, and orange juice.