Thursday, September 20, 2012

What is College (good) for?

Is college a waste of time? Can I make a good living without a college degree? Is paying all of this money for college going to be worth it in the end? Is getting a degree the best thing for me? Why should I go to college?

These are all questions I asked myself before I made the decision to attend a college or university. These questions are easy to ask, but so much more difficult to answer. With different people telling you different things, you cannot help but feel confused. Most people encouraged me to attend college, but there were always a fair few who told me to just attend a trade school and get better pay.
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 After thinking of the answers to all the questions I had been having about college I slowly began to reason with myself. When I attended to high school, I saw teachers. Teachers have degrees. In order to be a teacher you must have an education degree. College is obviously not a waste of time. College is a necessity if you want to become a teacher, and I want to become a teacher.

Can anyone make a good living without a college degree? According to an article written by in the Los Angeles Times, college graduates earn 84% more than those without a college degree. This study was conducted by Georgetown's Center on Education. I trust this study to be legit and I even conducted on research on whether or not college graduates make more money than those without a degree. The results of my search were astounding. I was always told that someone who worked in a trade (welding, electrical work, mechanics, etc.) made amazing money, and you didn't even have to go to a real college or university to do these things. College is definitely good for having a better career for yourself.

It surprises me that more people don't want to attend college. Yes, college is expensive. It always will be. Many people say they cannot afford college for one reason or another. Student loans were created for a reason. I think that people should be most focused on their education. In my opinion, an education is the most important thing a person can possess.

Is paying all that money for college worth it? This 2011 article from the New Yorker says that college is a way to separate those who are intellectual from those who are not. I agree, but I also believe that if someone wants a degree they are going to do their best to earn that degree.

I believe that college is a necessary tool in the building of both a person's character and attitude. In college people are exposed to many different cultures and beliefs that they have never seen or experienced before. You are immersed in a new world full of endless opportunity the day you are dropped off at college. College allows you to become a part of something much greater than high school clubs and organizations. People can become a part of a brotherhood that is a fraternity. Greek life at a college or university can definitely help you to be a more successful person. If you do not attend college, I feel that you miss out on many great opportunities. I am just a freshman and college has already been one of the greatest experiences of my life.
Many people that don't believe that college is important argue that certain degrees are useless. I do not believe that a college or university would have a degree program for a career that has 0% employment. Some degrees have higher employment than others, but that is just life. I completely agree with this article from The Daily Beast that encourages people to get a degree in whatever they want to. If someone wants a degree in 17th Century Literature they should be able to obtain one. Though positions in this field may not be abundant, there are always possibilities with every degree.

I am attending Jacksonville State University to receive my degree in music with a concentration in music education. I want to teach music to people. It is what I love to do. There is not a high demand for music teachers, but it is what I enjoy doing so I am going to stick with it.

More and more jobs are requiring degrees. Like this article from the Teachers College Record says, an education is a process. If you are not willing to take the next step and work a little

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why college?

Until I reached the seventh grade, I didn't know what college was. I just knew that if you wanted to be a teacher or a doctor you went to college to become one. I didn't know of credit hours, fraternities, meal plans, or any other things associated with college. I found that if I wanted to be successful, college was a necessity. If I was to become a band director, college would be a necessity.

Neither of my parents attended college. They both graduated from high school, but never took the next step in furthering their education. I am surprisingly happy that neither of them attended college. I would not be here if they had. College is going to be a chance for me to do something that neither of my parents were able to do. I will have a degree from a university. This is very exciting to me. So many doors are going to be opened for me and it is up to me to go through them. I am reminded every time I go to class of how blessed I am.

When I reached the ninth grade, I began thinking about if I wanted to attend college or not. I thought about joining the military, but quickly changed my mind. I finally realized that I wanted to attend college. My first choice of a college was The University of Alabama. Nothing seemed better than to be able to call The University of Alabama my college. I am very happy I decided to not attend The University of Alabama. The tuition, etc. was too expensive. I knew I could receive the same education from Jacksonville State University for much less money, so I chose JSU.

My parents never really gave me an option to attend college. They would always say, "Whether you like or not, you are going to college." or, "It doesn't matter how expensive college is, you are going." I didn't really like being pushed about it, but I am glad my parents pushed me in school. I would not have been given the opportunity to march with the Marching Southerners, join a fraternity, or even know of Flex Dollars.

I was very active in both the marching band and symphonic band at my high school. I participated in many honor bands, clinics, and classes. Music was my favorite thing in the world. I knew that college would be a place where my musical interests could flourish. There are numerous activities involving music in the world of post-secondary education. Now, I am a member of The Marching Southerners and it is incredible.

Other than musical ensembles, I was involved in many clubs and organizations in high school. I was a member of the National Senior Beta Club, Government Club/Student Government Association, Morning Announcer Staff, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and many others. I liked keeping myself busy. There are so many more clubs and organizations in college than there are in high school. For example, my high school didn't have an Earth Club. I would have loved to be a part of Earth Club because I am all about going green, saving the environment and recycling. I can now join the Earth Club at Jacksonville State University. This is another reason why I chose to attend college. I want to be involved with every organization that I can possibly be a part of. 

I decided to attend Jacksonville State University for many reasons including proximity to home, cost, music program, and accredidation. I am definitely happy I chose Jacksonville State University as my college. I am now studying to become a band director. I am able to do this because I chose to take the next step in furthering my education.

Without college, I don't believe success would be as easily obtained. I think it would be much more difficult to find an enjoyable job with a high-paying salary and great benefits without a college degree. Not attending college should be a last resort in today's society. Education is one of the most important things we have. We are blessed to be able to even attend school.

College has already been a great experience for me. I am a member of the best college marching band in the nation. I have made some awesome friends that share similar interests with me. I am making connections with people I never thought I would even talk to. I have been introduced to a new society and I love it. Life could not be better.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hey, everyone! My name is Daren Lee Turner. I am currently a student at Jacksonville State University. I plan to major in Instrumental Music Education. I graduated from Winterboro High School in Alpine, Alabama. I am a Christian and a member of Sycamore Baptist Church. I am a member of the Marching Southerners. I play the trumpet as well as the piano. My favorite things are music, family, friends, Disney movies, and orange juice.